
Next Level Packages

Our services are extremely unique and can range anywhere from your usual stay at home nanny all the way to a specialized sports coach. Every session comes with a personalized activity  and will guarantee to have your children exhausted and tired when you come home. Our goal is to keep your children outside, active and promote a healthy lifestyle.

The Active Nanny

Starting at $50hr

  • Pick up, drop off

  • Park, beach, hike, etc… 

  • Active nannies assure that your child is active, safe and guarantees children to be tired when you get home. (4hr minimum recommended.)

The First Level Nanny

Starting at $100hr

  • Teaches the basics of a Nannies expertise (ex. Surfing, Baseball, Skateboard,Golf)

  • Basics comes with equipment (ex. Wetsuit, surfboard, skateboard, clubs)

  • Great for introductions to a new sport that you want to learn or to start your progression. 

  • Email for specifics about sport and what equipment will be needed

  • Pick up, drop off

The Next Level Nanny

Starting at $500/4hrs

  • Personalized Coaching

  • Video Review/All footage included 

  • Personalized edit of session

  • Workouts

  • Creating personalized SMART goals

  • Creating a timeline and developing a plan to accomplish set goals

  • Pick up, drop off 

Custom Edit & Video Review

The Original Active Nanny

Ready to find the perfect Nanny or Manny to be a positive role model & teach your kids a wide range of sports?